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1 / Dry Mouth
Dry mouth can help lead to tooth decay and gum disease
2 / Low Tongue Posture
It can lead to craniofacial underdevelopment, high narrow palate, and nasal constriction, which can lead to more mouth breathing.  Low tongue posture can also inhibit proper swallow patterns, not clearing the Eustachian tubes, which can lead to problems with ear infections.
3 / Poor Sleep Pattern
It can lead to mood disturbances, brain fog, ADD and ADHD in children, and poor release of growth hormone.
4 / Descrease of CO2
It can cause vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction ( high blood pressure and breathing issues). Also, an imbalance in the body's pH can lead to bed wetting in children and frequent urination in adults.
5 / Lack of Air Filtration
It can lead to inflamed tonsils and adenoids, nasal polyps, and asthma
6 / Decrease NO2 Levels
It can lead to vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction (high blood pressure and breathing issues)
  •  Mouth Breathing VS Nasal Breathing

  • Tongue mobility and compensation

  • Swallow function and compensations

  • Size of Tonsils

  • Tongue rest posture

  • Tongue tie/ Lip tie

  • Dental occlusion/ malocclusion/ orthodontic treatment

  • Jaw pain and dysfunction

  • Head and neck and facial pain

  • Snoring and Sleep apnea screening

  • Facial structure and Jaw formation

  • Oral habits such as thumb and finger sucking

Often times we feel like the patients that see the best results are the ones that agree to a multi-disciplinary approach.  Myofunctional issues often times have been present for years with many compensations and conseqences to those compensations. Patients with myofunctional issues can have narrow arches and mallaligned teeth and benefit from palatal expansion done by a dentist or orthodontist.  They can have postural changes (forward head posture) and benefit from a body worker such as a chiropractor, PT, craniosacral therapist, or massage therapist.  Digestive issues and can benefit from a health coach or natural path.  We take extra time to get to know our patients and the professionals in the area that can help our patient to the fullest. 


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The tip of the tongue should rest on the tissue behind the top front teeth, with the body of the tongue pressing up against the palate from front to back. The tongue should not touch the teeth while in this position. When the tongue rests in this position, it puts pressure on the palate. The tongue in this position is partly responsible for forming a broad palate that will fit all teeth and create an ample airway space above the palate in the nasal cavity and the back of the throat.  
Health conditions associated with improper tongue rest posture include snoring, sleep apnea, sleep-disordered breathing, improper tooth alignment, improper swallowing patterns, crowding teeth, TMJ pain, headaches, neck/shoulder pain, and more.

When a person swallows, the tongue should form a bowl, pressing up and back onto the palate.  It should not press onto the teeth, and there should be very few or no extra facial movements.  When the tongue doesn't push upward or press onto the teeth, it is called a tongue thrust swallowing pattern.  When swallowing correctly, the pressure of pressing onto the palate helps form an ideal size and shape of the jaws.  When the tongue pushes forward onto the teeth, it can cause the teeth and jaw to create less-than-perfectly.
Health conditions associated with a tongue thrust swallowing pattern include misaligned teeth, poor jaw formation, digestive issues, and more.

Tongue tie is a restriction in the lingual frenum. Also called tethered oral tissue (TOT), It helps connect the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Everybody has a lingual frenum, but the connection is too short for some people. It can restrict the movement of the tongue, keeping it from resting on the roof of the mouth or from swallowing correctly.
Tongue-tied people often mouthbreathe and can suffer from many myofunctional problems and symptoms such as facial and jaw pain, headaches, clenching, and grinding. Studies show that children with tongue ties are more likely to develop sleep apnea and airway issues.
Most times, tongue tie is treated surgically by an experienced Dentist or Oral Surgeon. The procedure can be done with a laser or scalpel. It can be called a frenectomy, frenotomy, or frenuloplasty. Myofunctional therapy must be done before and after the procedure. After the procedure, a series of exercises will be prescribed to strengthen the muscle and prepare it for the new range of motion post-surgery. After surgery, myofunctional therapy is used to rehab the wound and work on proper function.

Maxillary Expansion

Maxillary or palatal expansion is applicable for patients who's upper jaw is too narrow compared to the lower jaw. Maxillary expansion is used to correct crossbites and also will create more space for crowded teeth. The expander appliance is attached to the molar teeth and is usually worn for 4-6 months.

Palatal Expanders

Palatal expanders stimulate and guide the development of the upper mouth (upper palate) into its fully formed, natural setting. Gradually widening the upper jaw can result in several health benefits.


Individuals who undergo palatal expansion have a drastically reduced chance of orthodontic relapse. So, if you had braces, chances are you or your kids won't need them later in life, as palatal expanders will allow the teeth and palate to have the space required to set properly and permanently.


Although this may sound scary, it's pretty easy to do and tolerate. Until puberty, our jaws develop in two separate parts, fusing after puberty. However, even adults can benefit from the palatal expanders as they stimulate the release of growth hormones through repeated pressure on critical areas of the palate and allow for full development even in adulthood.

Lingual Braces are Expanders?

Short Answer: no. However, many people opt for lingual braces mainly because of the cosmetic appeal and the reasonable desire not to have traditional orthodontic hardware on their teeth. Palate Expanders are the same, but what they do is very different.


By practicing proper Orofacial-Myofunctional Breathing Exercises, patients can reverse years or even decades of bad habits and free them up to breathe like never before. If you are familiar with the old expression "take a few deep breaths," imagine taking that feeling of peace everywhere you go. Myofunctional Therapy utilizes the most up-to-date and scientifically backed breathing exercises to heal you, not just give a quick fix. 

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